How long does shockwave treatment for ed last?

The typical patient will have six treatment appointments (one treatment per week for 6 weeks). Most people who receive shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction usually see benefits within one to three months. Initial results (within the first few weeks) can be dramatic. There isn't enough research or long-term data yet to say how long treatment might last, if the effects of the treatment might wear off, or if you'll need additional treatment later on. Studies have shown that the effects of this treatment can last up to two or three years.

Compared to the P-Shot treatment, this treatment adds an extra year or two to longevity, so you don't have to worry about the effects disappearing soon after. Acoustic wave therapy, also called shock wave therapy, is a well-known medical procedure that has been used for many years. Each acoustic wave therapy treatment is painless and doesn't require any downtime, so you won't have to worry about having to take a break or change your schedule. Most people can return to normal activities the day after shockwave therapy, but the urologist will consider whether you need to restrict your activity for longer to recover.

NIVA Men's Health is a men's health clinic that specializes in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, male injection, testosterone replacement therapy, treatment of premature ejaculation, and acoustic sound wave therapy. It is important to distinguish shock wave therapy from radio wave therapy, which is often advertised as a non-invasive treatment for erectile dysfunction available in both medical and non-medical facilities. Acoustic wave treatment is shock wave therapy that directly targets low blood flow, which is the leading cause of erectile dysfunction and other conditions affecting the penis, through the use of high frequency acoustic waves. Shockwave therapy is favorably viewed as a way to repair and strengthen penile blood vessels and improve blood flow.

Shockwave therapy seems to work best for people with vasculogenic erectile dysfunction, which is a disorder of the blood vessels that affects blood flow to penile tissue. Since shock wave therapy is a fairly new treatment for erectile dysfunction that isn't covered by insurance plans, the urologist may first recommend other treatment options for erectile dysfunction. Increasing blood flow to the penis is the same goal as more traditional treatments for erectile dysfunction, such as oral medications, such as sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis). Studies show that shock wave therapy can be painless for other uses and can even be a non-invasive method to help reduce pain after surgery.

Overall, clinical studies have shown that shockwave therapy is effective and safe, but more research is needed to identify potential risks and the best treatment protocols for people with erectile dysfunction. Low-intensity shock wave therapy (LiSWT) is the medical term used by urologists to describe acoustic wave therapy, which is also known as shock wave therapy. Acoustic wave treatment of erectile dysfunction could offer a new treatment plan to rehabilitate erectile tissue.