What happens after a shock wave?

In the days following shockwave therapy, you may experience swelling and redness in the treated area. This can make the pain worse, but this is indicative of the healing process, it's completely normal and will go away in a day or two. It's not uncommon to feel a little pain afterward and to have some bruising in the treatment area. After the procedure, it is best to avoid anti-inflammatory medications, such as Advil, since stimulating the inflammation cascade is part of the healing process that triggers eSWT. Aside from that, you can do your normal activities, usually including exercise, if you feel like doing so.

WHAT HAPPENS AFTER A SESSION AND TREATMENT? After a treatment session, you can leave immediately. If the discomfort persists, you can take regular pain relievers, such as paracetamol, but avoid any NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, as it may interfere with the effect of the treatment. Ice therapy should also be avoided to relieve pain or sensitivity, as it can also interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment. You will be able to drive immediately after treatment and continue your normal daily activities, such as working and light exercise.

Treatment with shock wave therapy lasts only a short period and the recovery period is mild, especially compared to other, more invasive treatment options. When you receive SofWave therapy for shock wave treatment, you may not have any side effects or notice any pain or discomfort after treatment. Shockwave therapy is very safe and, in fact, has fewer contraindications than some better-known therapies, such as acupuncture and massage. If there are specific activities you should avoid after treatment with shock wave therapy, your doctor will talk to you about them.

Talk to your doctor about what to expect and whether shock wave lithotripsy is the right kidney stone treatment for your needs. If you experience any discomfort during shock wave treatment, it's more likely to occur if the injury or health problem occurs closer to the bone. Shockwave therapy performed by qualified therapists is a method that, to a large extent, has no risks or side effects to treat musculoskeletal conditions and chronic pain. Shockwave therapy is clinically proven, recognized by top orthopedic hospitals and used by high-profile professional sports bodies, such as the English Institute of Sports, UK Athletics, the Welsh Rugby Union and many Premier League football clubs.

While it's true that you can rest after a treatment session with shock wave therapy, you don't have to avoid daily activities or routines either. In general, 70 to 90% of people who are good candidates for shock wave lithotripsy do not have stones (as seen on follow-up x-rays) three months after treatment. Whether you have chronic pain or are recovering from an injury, you may be considering shockwave therapy as a treatment option non-invasive. From back and neck pain to joint pain and sports injuries, shockwave therapy is known to provide an excellent solution for non-invasive treatment.

In some cases, shock wave lithotripsy doesn't break down a stone enough for all the fragments to come out on their own. Shockwave therapy produces an analgesic effect, so that many patients notice immediate relief from pain caused by their chronic illnesses after shockwave therapy. Instead, a healthcare provider uses the shockwave therapy machine, a device similar to a rod, placing the tip against the skin.